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Kira Neryse Gordon-The Lost Cause Member
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For me, it's stress, the weather like the temperature and storms, negative energy, certain foods,(which I've already got mostly in control. I have a sweet tooth though... I can't help myself with pastries, certain cereals, and certain candies like marshmallows and gummies. I feel like eating a mini cupcake rn! 🙁 I don't understand how I can control myself from eating other foods like meats and plants aka fruits and veggies, but it's harder with sweet stuff :/...), moving too much like doing sports or exercise+(At age 3 I started ballet, age 7 gymnastics and cheerleading at 8. I did all 3 until I was like 12 or 13 years old. I only stopped because I hurt myself in my last competition and yet somehow, I still pushed on to finish that comp. Idk why or how I pushed on, but we got 1st place. 😅 I wish I didn't quit gymnastics or ballet though and 2020's pandemic made my options dim 🙁 I also did yoga for a bit too. I'm too weak to do much now. When I try to stretch or anything like that, I end up not trying to do that again for months...) and also, I live in GA and every time we went to another state like Florida and Alabama, I always went into the hospital just because each state has their own temps and storms... I'm too weak to do much for myself(I even have trouble with my hygiene 🙁 At least I can take my showers. It's just not as often as I wish I could. I rarely brush my teeth) and I love a good hygiene practice. This deadly combo of the SCD type ss chronic pain and high pain tolerance, asthma, ADHD, OCD and the fact I might be autistic is severely misunderstood by everyone. They think I can do more than what I'm doing now... I also have slight scoliosis, so my back hurts frequently no matter what I do. It even hurts more when I bend over just to pick up stuff. What nobody seems to understand is that I am too strong to die but too weak to do much of anything by myself and I have no control over my forgetfulness. I conduct experiments and research to better myself. All I've got are a few herbs, music and animals and that's still not enough... I need something like a pill or herbs to help with my memory and humans are another problem... They piss me off to much so they are another reason why I can't do much for myself. Just because they don't understand my problems, it makes everything harder for me. I wasn't even able to finish school before I turned 21 let alone really get started on my GED! It hurts too much to do anything. It's almost as if God is saying I don't need to do anything because it's the end of the world while everybody else is saying I do need to do stuff... Humans have always been wrong anyways... I feel like a lost cause. I'm sick and tired of ppl telling me what to do when fate is pulling me the other direction...
Kira Neryse Gordon-The Lost Cause Member
Last Updated:
I think it would be best for me to make my own job instead of working for someone else just in case. I'd rather do things on my own time rather than on someone else's time. My ADHD makes things worse in so many ways. Unfortunately, I'm an annoyance, but I've got to do something to keep myself upbeat and out of the hospital and if I have to be an annoyance to some ppl, then so be it. I'm thinking and looking for solutions. It's hard.
Now that I'm legally an adult, my parents(despite separated) are making me do things on my own. I can't do my own things as of right now and they don't understand that. As long as my ADHD and disease isn't under control, I'll never be as independent as I want to be. I understand that everyone can't do anything by themselves let alone live, but there are some things that must be done by one person. I think my ADHD and maybe my OCD makes me look a lot more stupid than I really am and that confuses ppl so much they ignore me >🙁 I'm a genius! I bet if I had some good rep, I could make a job where my ideas could be implemented into the real world and I would be paid for good working ideas.
I once thought of opening my own animal sanctuary, a restaurant, being a youtuber(I already have three channels actually, but only two of them have videos), or an art store where I sell my art pieces and ppl can come in watching my do my art as well. I'm leaning towards my art store. I already even came up with a name for it. Of course, I haven't copyrighted it yet so I'm not gonna say what it is 😉 I also made some music myself for one of my YT channels. Two are already done and like I believe 7 more songs that were in the making. I just have to find out if dad saved them... I don't want to do anything where I have to work under someone for both their sake and mine. Plus, by experience and no offense btw, everybody seems to be too stupid to do anything right. It's like only I know better but I just forget at times which makes it look like I don't know better. I can't even control my visions, so why would me cutting my finger because of some vision of the future make me an idiot? I don't even remember my visions of the future until it happens. Sorry, I try to stay away from YT comments, but I cannot for my role down here on earth is something most ppl don't want to accept... I also like encouraging and warning the YTers I watch and I like theorizing and trying to make jokes. I suck at jokes... Humans are a big problem in my eyes because of everything I have seen. Even electronics and meds have problems. Everything has cons and it seems like they weigh out the pros for me no matter what I do to try to drown out those cons :/ I understand not every human is bad, but they definitely are all well, they all don't really know better or have most of the common sense :/ It pisses me off. I know nobody knows everything including myself, but the fact that common sense isn't common and we forget things pisses me off ;-; I'm trying. I'm even in therapy and I don't believe these meds will ever be able to truly help me 🙁
Beth.Huffman Member
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Studygirl36 Member
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My main triggers is stress and weather and where I live the weather always changes from extremely hot and then the temperature drops so I’m always checking the weather app to know how to dress for the day.
Beth.Huffman Member
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Whit0327 Member
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What are my pain triggers are unexpected weather change especially when it gets cold, VERY cold, over exertion, and DEFINITELY stress.
Beth.Huffman Member
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Whit0327 Member
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Coin Member
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Cold & Physical exertion are my main struggles with Sickle Cell.
Beth.Huffman Member
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