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Individuals with HBSC

I would like to know does anyone have tingling/numbness in their feet and hands? Does anyone hurt in their joints on a constant bases? Does anyone be fatigued, depressed, and anxious on a daily bases? Lastly, do you just feeling inadequate (brain, cognition) most days? I need to know that I’m not alone! Thanks

  1. wow! am just glad to know and i have gained hope one of us can stay long with our condition/ disease 🤔

    1. Yes, ma’am! I hate feeling as if I’m lazy. Being lazy is not me, I normally liked keeping busy! It seems has after I turned fifty, my body went South for the winter lol (but serious). Thanks for taking out the time to respond! Have a blessed day!

      1. Hello there,
        You are not alone. I have HbSS and I experience every symptom you mentioned. My advice to you is that anytime you feel tingling in your feet, try to step/walk around on your tippy toes for about 2mins. You'll immediately notice that the tingling sensation will disappear. As far as fatigue, try to work in intervals i.e. work on something for 20mins then take a 7min break and organize your day in intervals. That way, you're not exhausting yourself because you've scheduled periods of rest. As for joint pain, go on YouTube and start with beginner's yoga every other day or twice a week. I promise you, the joint pain won't be as intense. I hope these recommendations help.

        1. thank you some much for the recommendation. Glad to hear, I’m not alone. I appreciate you taking out the time to respond!

      2. Yes I do have tingling and sometimes numbness in my hands and feet. But I noticed since I lost weight( unintentionally) that it happens a lot less. I also get this creepy, tingly sensation in my legs. Its the first sign of extreme fatigue coming on. The constant fatigue really gets me down sometimes bc it hits me out of nowhere. I really don't have to do much.

        1. yes indeed the fatigue is real. I also agree with after turning fifty, it’s worse. Thanks for responding, have a blessed day!

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