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Reaching out to the hinterlands

With my little stay here, I noticed most of the active members here base abroad. well that's great for you all. Living in a country with law and order, available healthcare services are rendered to you with little or no cost.But we here in Nigeria are suffering 100*100 of whatever you are going through. Discrimination overload, inexperienced healthcare workers,no hospital facilities, topnotch discrimination from the society, church, school and even your so-called health care givers.My case is special because I hardly visit the hospital but the oñe time I did was so terrible,I wished for death to come take hold of me,I just have yellow eyes (jaundice) and I rock it proudly. whenever someone asks why are your eyes yellow? If I feel like telling you I will if I don't feel like you should know,I say it's natural,I was born this way.But that's not the case am not here to boast about grace.i am here to intercede for these SCD patients in the hinterlands like me too,or please take it as a question,I really want to help them in any little way that I can but am stock am a student,with no money nor any means of livelihood.From the deepest part of my heart I really want to help but I don't know where to start from,I need your ideas please.

  1. I live in the Gambia and help out in a sickacell research management clinic they are treating 80 people living pain free with out using pain killing drugs they are looking in to away to get there treatment to nigeria

    1. I am a Nigerian too. I rarely visit the hospital or see a doctor because they really don't know what to do but the usual transfusion and pain relievers.
      I am in a position to help but I don't know any HBSS person but me. I believe like me others don't want people to know.
      All I do is help everyone around no matter your condition. Do the good you can everybody and God will reward you.
      Your kindness to humanity is a good start.

      1. Raising awareness and erasing the stigma of sickle cell disease starts with you and guess what, it’s completely free. We raise awareness not just for us, but for the younger generation of patients to be born. You can’t stop people from having children with SCD so let’s all do the grassroots work so they never have to suffer from ridicule, abuse, stigmatization, lack of medical infrastructure/resources etc. There is strength in numbers. You can sign-up for virtual/remote volunteer work with sickle cell orgs like Sickle Cell Prodigy, Crisis Care, Sickle Cell 101, or SCRED as a student.

        Love that you’ve been able to manage your disease at home but not every patient is as lucky as you. I grew up in Nigeria and have been admitted to every major hospital but I continue to advocate for those patients in villages with uneducated parents who have lost hope and are struggling with their mental health. They need us and as a community we all need each other. Hope this inspires you to get involved!

        1. I live in Ghana. So I know what you vent about. It is the survival of the fittest here in most African countries

          1. so what do you insinuate,do we keep on living like that? Is that going to be our last bus stop,so we should accept it and live that way, without making any difference. you know I feel it's all our fault,we succum to lifestyle they create for us making them believe that we are really "the soon will die" people.opening a sickle cell foundation is not enough, because with that we sum it up for them,that truly we are weak and we deserve all the endless is all our fault,our voices are not loud enough.

          2. being sick in the first place is not our fault. We were born into it without our consent. It sucks but it is what it is. Unfortunately, there is no true cure for it yet and so all the measures are just to help. It doesn’t make us weak. It makes us surviving warriors and trust me, although people may not admit it all the time, our strength is greatly admired by many.. Don’t let the pain get to your head and make you feel weak. You are not weak and no warrior is weak . We are fighters please let that sink in

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