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What is the first sign that lets you know a crisis is coming?

From emotional changes to fatigue & thirst, how do you typically know that a crisis is coming? Share below!

  1. Am so sick 😷😷😷 am having pain in my leg like my cry

    1. Radiating pain from my tailbone to my neck, then from my tailbone to the bottom of my feet.

      1. Funny tingling sensation on my waste

        1. Typically for me the signs of a crisis may vary from numbness/ tingling of the lips or lower face, thirst, fatigue and even appetite changes. When I say appetite change I mean just that. For example I DO NOT eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but before I went into my last crisis I craved one so much till I had to have it, that night I was in the emergency being admitted. Having these signs is good because it tells me I need to start hydrating more, taking pain medication and keeping an eye out on my blood levels.

          1. Hi , wow thanks so much for sharing! I had never heard about appetite changes before. Thanks again for sharing. Best, Allison (Team Member)

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