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Does a warm climate make you feel better or worse?

So I'm currently in Jamaica. I've been here for 6 months now due to covid. I usually come as often as I can as I always feel good when I do, but this is the longest time I've spent here and also the best I've ever felt in terms of my sickle cell. Speaking with a few people however I'm learning that the hot climate actually makes some of us feel worse.
What is the case for you?

  1. It's better to deal with warm climate just hydrate too much cold ❄️❄️🥶 isn't good either

    1. Agreed. Going from the summer heat to the cold pool water is also a very common trigger. Hydration is key. Keep up the good work fellow warrior.

  2. Me too. Do you get much of this weather where you live? In the UK it's mostly cold and damp

    1. Warm climates helps me feel better too.. I’m more active in such climate

      1. am also in Ghana . yes the warm is good but this year hasnt been the same

      2. I feel you sis.. it has not been easy for me at all.. sending you hugs and light

    2. the warm climate makes me feel a lot better.

      1. is it mostly warm where you live?

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