a woman in a chair being bound by ribbon

How To Deal With Tough Times

We all face tough times at some point in our lives whether that is going through a financial crisis or dealing with career stress.

Tough times don't last

It happens to everyone and people living with sickle cell are no exception. The good news, however, comes from Robert Schuller's quote "Tough times never last, tough people, do."

For someone living with sickle cell disorder, tough times might mean dealing with constant pain, dealing with the reality of a complication, or even financial crisis. Sometimes, it is unfortunately a combination of all three and more.

My struggles

I have had a period where I had to deal with the reality of living with avascular necrosis and also struggle to make enough money to take care of myself.

It is sure that tough times don't last. The question however is how do we survive the tough times?


Here are some tips that might help:

1. Practice gratitude

Practicing gratitude can be a great game-changer. It has been proven that gratitude can improve our mental health and boost our relationships with others.

When times are hard, we are likely to forget how blessed we are. Starting a gratitude journal and writing down the things that you are grateful for is important during tough times. It reminds you of how blessed you are and help you become hopeful again.

Here are some gratitude prompts  you can try

  • Write about one person in your life that has helped you so far
  • Write about the fact that you are alive and breathing
  • Remind yourself of days you thought you won’t make it but you did.

These gratitude prompts can help you see how blessed you are and also become hopeful for the future.

2. Be proud of how hard you are trying

One of the easiest things to do is see how hard someone else is working. We might start envying others while we ignore what we do and how hard we are working as well. We feel like we are not doing enough in your life.

When in fact, the little we do is enough. Whether that is drinking enough water, taking rest, or keeping up with a balanced diet. When things get tough, it is important to remind yourself that you are doing your best and be proud of that. No matter how small.

3. Remember how far you've come

When sickle cell disorder starts acting up, it’s easy to want to give up. It is easy to forget how far you have come, the times you thought it is over.

When times are tough, always remember how far you’ve come. You are strong and you have survived so much. Remember the good memories, and let them bring hope to you.

Looking at the past can make you optimistic about your future.

4. Don't compare

If you want to take only one lesson away from this article, let it be this. Don't compare yourself to anyone.

Sickle cell can make you want to compare yourself to others. Whether it is a fellow warrior or a stranger online or someone you know, never compare yourself to anyone.

Nothing destroys joy faster than comparison. When you compare, you fail to see your own blessings no matter how little you think that is. The truth is everyone has things they struggle with so stop comparing yourself.

The only person you should compare yourself with is your younger self. Learn from your mistakes and become better.

5. Stay ambitious

Life gets better when you have something you’re going after.

It is easy to lose inspiration and lose the zeal to go after your dream with sickle cell. Sickle cell can make anyone question their existence. When things get tough, it is important to remember that it is just a phase and stay ambitious.

Set goals that get you excited. Make plans for your dream life and don’t stop until you get it.

6. Don't quit now

It is okay to feel down for a while. It is okay to want a break from all of it. It is okay to rest.

However, quitting shouldn’t be an option when things get tough. Instead of quitting, take time to relax and observe what's working or not.

You've come so far and you have more to go!

Also, always remember how far you’ve come and where you are going. Hopefully, these two thoughts will fuel you to keep going.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The Sickle-Cell.com team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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