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My Brother, My Hero.

I don't remember a world without sickle cell in it. My older brother had it for almost 41 years before he passed in 2006.

His story

He managed to marry and have three kids (none with SCD), but he had to stop working early. He always had struggles when in a crisis and they made him feel like a drug seeker. He would try and bear the pain until he had to go to the hospital.

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A true warrior

He was the type of person who pushed to do all he could in spite of the limits of his disease. He would fly and play football but would miss holidays and other events because he was in the hospital. I watched him deal with blood transfusions when we were kids and he took it in stride. When he was at the end he was tired, he fought the good fight. I miss him every day. I still feel like SCD is a part of my life and want to honor him and support everyone dealing with sickle cell in any way I can.

This or That

Who has sickle cell?

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